Ever wonder what postal code or county boundaries you are in? What the phone numbers look like around you? When to expect the sunrise or sunset?

Share your location by email or SMS, save it into your notes, or send with any other app on your phone that supports sending data.

Run the app in Continuous Updates mode to see street numbers and other data update as you move, leaving a breadcrumbs trail on the map as well.

Tap the Speak icon to have the information read out loud.

"Where Am I?" is a free app supported by voluntary donations and advertisements. Purchasing a donation removes all ads. Thank you!


If you notice a problem please send us an email with details about what the problem is and we'll get back to you.

Privacy Policy

The 'Where Am I?' app collects some data by necessity, to provide the location information and to be able to display ads. But in doing so we strive to minimize what is collected, we don't share or sell the information, and we don't keep long term logs. Please see the app's Privacy Policy for details.